The Goodman Stopper, used since 1897.
Look for the name "GOODMAN" on the Locking Sleeve. It is the mark of reliability.
The GOODMAN STOPPER also known as the “Z - Handle” Stopper, was placed on the market in 1897 for use on distribution mains. It has been used in all parts of the United States and in many other countries.
It is made by men well trained in the art of making stoppers; some with more than forty years experience. The best quality materials are used in its construction.
Improvements made from time to time have resulted in easier manipulation. The Z-Handle simply, surely, and quickly places the Stopper in the correct position and the Patented Locking Sleeve locks the Stopper in the pipe and makes the shut-off secure against jarring.
Perfect operation of the Stopper is assured when the directions given are faithfully adhered to.
Made in All Sizes 3" to 48"
NOTE: Above stoppers can be reconditioned at the factory, when necessary.
Goodman Stopper | Goodman-Peden Stopper | Gardner-Goodman Stopper | One Tap Launch System | Safety Service Plugs | Goodman Disc Plugs | X-Pander Plugs | Wood Plug
Goodman Main Stopper Mfg. Co. Inc. • 523 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217 • TEL: 718-875-5140 • FAX: 718-625-4805